Our purpose is to:
• Connect community groups in Elmbridge that focus on environmental improvement and living within the earth’s resources
• Share information about sustainability events and common themes
• Work collaboratively with Elmbridge Council through discussion, sharing, planning and joint action with the Community to amplify impact.
• Publicise important local issues and follow their progress through local authority pathways (Elmbridge Borough Council and Surrey County Council)
• Support Elmbridge residents in adopting lifestyle changes to reduce Elmbridge’s carbon footprint whilst also building community and environmental resilience.
Why do we have this purpose?
We are in the middle of a Climate Emergency, in which humanity’s use of fossil fuels and other consumerism has led to the release of excessive carbon dioxide, resulting in global heating.
Unless we change our ways, this will result in environmental destruction and loss of natural habitats, changes to weather patterns, risk of fires and flood, food shortages, social unrest and worse.
Elmbridge Borough Council has pledged to become a carbon neutral organisation by 2030. Green Elmbridge encourages all residents and businesses to share this target throughout the community.
To achieve this goal we must all use less energy, consume less, and develop a collaborative society, as well as demanding change and ensuring that our elected representatives are held to account.
It is for everyone to play a part - this is not just for governments, big business and industry.
Working together in our families and neighbourhoods we can develop thriving carbon neutral communities.
Here in Elmbridge there are community organisations that would benefit from linking and collaborating with others. Green Elmbridge works to create those links.